Community Connections
As a South Australian business operating nationally, we take our corporate social responsibilities very seriously. We are committed to supporting various community and environmental initiatives, including playing our part wherever possible to reduce carbon footprints and engaging in sustainable environmental practices.
We are an extremely family focused firm with a sense of empathy which has led to us creating our new Community Connections program. Our staff have identified key not for profit organisations and programs that we will support and be involved with throughout the year. It is about making a difference in some small way to issues that are important to us as a team.
Support of the Pro Heath Care Foundation
Our Managing Partner Marco Piteo is passionate about embracing the many ways to ‘give back.’ He currently sits on the Board of the Pro Health Care Foundation, which was founded by Piteo Accounting & Advisory long-time clients John Paul & Janine Chitti. Marco regularly contributes his time and funds to the Foundation’s key fundraising initiatives, in particular their Annual Golf Day, which raises awareness and donation for highly reputable not for profit organisations that have a health-related objective.
The Pro Health Care Foundation is a not for profit organisation that was founded in 2012. The aim of the Foundation is to encourage Pro Health Care’s practitioners, staff and patients to become actively involved in supporting and increasing awareness of health related, not for profit organisations within the broader community. The Pro Health Care team recognise the importance of ongoing funding to facilitate medical research and necessary support services for the chronically ill.
Serving Up Breakfast to Support KickStart for Kids
Piteo Accountants & Advisory’s ongoing support of Kickstart for Kids will contribute towards their Breakfast in Schools program, which will be delivered within Keller Road Primary School. As a team, we are honoured to be able to be hands on as corporate volunteers. Read about our support of Kickstart for Kids here.
KickStart For Kids is a not for profit organisation that helps school children achieve positive educational and self-esteem outcomes through breakfast, lunch and mentoring programs. KickStart for kids was founded in 2011 on the belief that every child, regardless of their social or economic background, should have an equal chance. They do this by running breakfast, lunch and mentoring programs in South Australian schools and provide basic clothing and healthcare needs. Today KickStart for Kids supports over 300 South Australian Schools, providing around 40,000 breakfasts and 10,000 lunches per week with 600 volunteers.

Big Talks for Little People
Piteo Accounting & Advisory partnered with the Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation and Little Heroes Foundation to support the roll out of the Big Talks for Little People program—a mental health literacy education initiative.
Marco said he and his team felt passionately about the mental health and wellbeing of all kids, making the firm honoured to be able to support such a worthwhile program.

Backpacks 4 SA Kids
The Piteo team regularly support charity Backpacks 4 SA Kids, contributing essential items and volunteering their time to pack bags for underprivileged children, particularly in the lead up to Christmas.

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